OS222: Operating Systems 2022-2

By Raniaarnđź’»



Week 01

1. Introduction to Operating System

A video from neso academy on youtube. Through this video, i became more aware of what an operating system is. This video also gave types of OS, the functions of OS, and goals of OS. I like how the creator explained it.

2. Regular Expression Basics

Video from Jason Wertz on Youtube about Regular expression’s basics and examples. I like the video because the tutorial were clear and concise so it is easy to understand.

3. shortcuts in Vi

This webpage lists a few important shortcut commands in Vi, including copy, cut, and paste. We could also paste from outside Vi using shift+insert.

Week 02

1. Basic C syntax

A few C Programming Language’s syntax that help mestudy and practice solving problems using C Language. This link contains a lot of information from the basics, data types, to misc.

2. Protection and Security in Operating System

The creator explains about protection and security in informative and concise way. He used the OS Book so i can understand the book much easier. I like the way he explained the materials.

Week 03

1. File System in Operating System

This video gives explanation on the basics information of file system in operating system. The video added subtitles so we can understand the content better, it is also very well explained.

2. Allocation Methods

Explains about allocating files in storage stucture, the content is from the OS book so it helps me understanding files allocation better.

3. Encryption and public keys

This video explains cryptography allows for the secure transfer of data online so well. This video also explains 256-bit encryption, public and private keys, SSL & TLS and HTTPS.

Week 04

1. C printf format reference

This website helps me understand printf string formatting syntax in C. It also gives example and present it with tables so it is eady to read and understand.

2. Instructions in C/C++

This video gave explanation on C language basics, especially the pointer and address of a variable.

Week 05

1. Virtual Memory: What is Virtual Memory? Lecture by David Black-Schaffer all about virtual memory. His explanations are simple to understand and clear. He also gave segmen so we can easily find the subtopic of Virtual Memory easily.

2. Page Replacement Algorithms A video by Education 4u about Page Replacement Algorithms, such as FIFO (First-in-First-Out),LRU(Last Recently Used), and Optimal Page Replacement. This video helps me understanding page replacement more easily.

Week 06

1.Process Management (Process and Threads) A video from Neso Academy about Process Management. This video is very helpful to me for understanding about process management. It explained the concept extremely well!

2. Fork() Geeks for geeks to the rescue! this website helps a lot when it comes to understanding codes, in this case, this article helped me understanding about fork() in C language.

Week 07

1. Deadlock in Operating System Explanation of Deadlock, also comes with a video to understand it better. This article also gives exercise to help you understand it better, cool!

2. Process Synchronization A video from Neso Academy about process synchronization. Helps me understanding the concept and basics of synchronization.

Week 08

1. LFS mirror mirror links i use to download some package for LFS (if the main link not successs)

2.Linux SCP Command Explained: Securely Copy & Transfer Files an article About scp command on linux. This helps me understand the command better.

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